Week 12: Security and Operational Procedures.

What a great learning journal it has been. The end and final week of the twelve weeks of classes. I never has the full pleasure of communicating with my professor, but the few times I was able to, my professor responded as quick as he could.

With that said, the last and final topics for this week twelve is based on “Security and Operational Procedures.” The threats in posted to any personal computer or a network always occurred from two different direction: malicious or accident. Always expect and remind yourself that a problem is going to occur at any time which can affect your computer.


Whether in homes or at work, computers are used for all sort of activities, mostly involving data. We work with data whenever we used computers, therefore, whatever security mechanisms and operational procedures you find helpful should be implement and execute affectively for the purpose of safeguarding your data.


Failure to follow proper security procedures, can leave you completely vulnerable to cyber attach because cyber attack has been on the rise more than ever before. There is no way in the world you configurated and prevent cyber-attack, but you have the chance to mitigate such an if it were to occur from reaching deeper into your computers and infrastructure.   


This brings me to the ideals and importance of security controls. Proper security procedures lead to affective security controls. Security controls are mechanisms configurated to secure many different aspects of data and infrastructure important to an enterprise. “Any type of safeguard or countermeasure used to avoid, detect, counteract, or minimize security risks to physical property, information, computer systems, or other assets is considered a security control” (IBM Cloud Education, 2019).


There are various types of security controls that can be implemented to protect data and they are, but not limited to:

·         Physical security control.

·         Digital security controls.

·         Cybersecurity controls.

·         Cloud security controls.


Some of the assessments mechanisms for security controls are the following:

·         Determining the target systems. 

·         Determining target applications.

·         Vulnerability scanning and reporting

All these procedures and mechanisms are not going to prevent cyber attack as I stated early, but what it does is to mitigate the threats.


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